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Apartment Building Fire Damage

Ground floor car fire
Case Study

A car fire in the ground floor carpark of a four-story apartment building structurally compromised several first-floor hollowcore concrete floor planks beyond repair.

Fire Damaged Transfer Slab

Imparta Engineers discovered several of the hollowcare planks were critical structural elements which supported levels directly above. They were unable to be replaced like-for-like due to constructability issues.

Specifically, the crane would not be able to install new precast hollowcore planks from above without demolishing the upper levels of the building first.


Imparta Engineers were engaged to provide an alternative solution which would allow for the repairs to be undertaken within the access constraints which exist at the site.

Imparta Engineers initially attended the site to undertake concrete testing using a Schmidt Hammer to determine the severity of the damage. Imparta Engineers also met with the Loss Adjuster and Unit Owners to discuss the proposed repair options, and associated complexities and risks which each proposed solution.

Section Detail of the New Transfer Slab
Repaired Transfer Slab (Propping Still in Place)
Temporary Propping Detail for Load Bearing Precast Panel
Reinforcement Inspection
Solution / Methodology

The detailed solution provided by Imparta Engineers was agreed upon by the Loss Adjuster and Unit Owners, and involved the following steps:

  • Undertaking a full dilapidation survey of the building.
  • Relocating all occupants of the building for the duration of the construction works to ensure safety of the occupants.
  • Scanning the existing concrete to determine the size and location of existing reinforcement.
  • Providing new footings for the extensive propping which would temporarily support the building.
  • Propping the backspan of the existing floor slab.
  • Carefully punching through the existing damaged Hollowcore planks to prop and brace the load-bearing precast panel above, while avoiding damaging the existing prestressing strands.
  • Providing a temporary catch deck to safely demolish and remove the existing floor.
  • Carefully demolishing the damaged floor planks while retaining the existing starter bars.
  • Pouring a new in-situ new post-tensioned floor slab, leaving pockets in the slab for the vertical propping supporting the precast panel.
  • Pouring a new screed layer to tie the new slab into the existing starter bars once stressing of the new floor slab had been completed.
  • Removing the propping and infilling the pockets which remained in the slab.
Quality Control & Customer Satisfaction

Imparta Engineers undertook inspections at all critical stages, including inspection of the temporary propping, footing reinforcement, and slab reinforcement, to ensure that the construction was in accordance with the design documentation.

The ongoing communication between Imparta Engineers and the Unit Owners ensured that all stakeholders had a full understanding of the complexity, nature and time frames involved with the repair works.


The solution provided by Imparta Engineers allowed the repairs to be undertaken without demolition of the upper levels of the building, significantly reducing the cost to the Insurer.

Additionally, the time frame of the project was reduced, therefore minimising the cost of relocating the occupants of the building during the construction works.

Recent Work

Heritage Building Fire Damage

The Event

A large fire engulfed the State Heritage listed ‘Eringa House’, destroying the roof and much of the internal areas of the building.

Our Involvement

Imparta Engineers provided an initial structural assessment of the building immediately following the event providing critical guidance to make-safe requirements for demolition teams entering the site. In particular, overhead hazards including seven heat affected chimney stacks were assessed using drone technology.

We liaised with key stakeholders including owners, insurer, loss adjusting, make-safe contractors, in the preparation of suitable make-safe documentation.
Due to the significant heritage value of the building, important collaboration and cooperation was placed on Heritage SA involvement during the initial make-safe process.

Recent Work

Rural Building Storm Damage

The Event

A wind event caused partial roof failure of this sheep shearing shed structure in rural NSW.

Cause and Effect

We were instructed to investigate the cause of roof failure, mechanism and sequence of failure.

Services Provided and Outcome

We undertook an analysis of the adequacy of the various structural components of the shed, to understand how it failed and to determine ultimate causation of failure.

Recent Work

Dwelling Storm Damage

The Event

A strong storm front resulting in damage to beachfront dwelling.

Cause and Effect

Forces from localised wind event resulted in roof cladding and framing uplift resulting in structural and cosmetic damages.  Additional water entry added to resultant damage.

Services Provided

Full site investigation and the preparation of detailed scope of work and both building and structural drawings to enable the building repairs.

Coordination  and submission documentation to obtain building consent approvals.


Working closely with owner, the client and early consultation with the approving authority resulted in a well organised and coordinated approach ensuring a fast  result to enable building repair to commence. From receiving instruction to obtaining full development approval took a total of 3 weeks.

Recent Work

Silo Collapse

The Event

Grain bulk storage (Silo) failure.


Determine feasibility of reinstatement of a similar structure on the existing pad footing.

Services Provided

As part of this investigation, we had to determine possible mechanisms of failure and therefore rule out footing misbehaviour.

Additionally, we were asked to determine reinstatement methodology and proposed costings.

There was also a Business Interruption liability associated with make-safe and reinstatement time frame


Our investigation and analysis limited our clients liability to the business interruption component of the Claim by enabling the earlier replacement of silo structure on the existing footing.

Recent Work

Retaining Wall Failure

The Event

Retaining wall failure.


Initially we were engaged to act on behalf of our client in executing with emergency orders issued by the local authority to make the area safe immediately following failure.

Secondary to this process, was to establish cause of collapse.

Services Provided

Liaise with local council representative, property owner’s and building contractors to enable making area safe immediately following the collapse.

Preparation of causation report by undertaking site investigation, review of provided documentation including geotechnical condition report, weather summaries to determine cause of retaining wall failure including the events leading up to the collapse and establish contributory factors.

Recent Work

Winery Shed Fire

The Event

An internal fire within heritage listed building used as office, storage and WC facilities.

Cause & Effect

A fire caused significant structural damage to the original timber trussed roof and ceiling framing and original stone walls. Significant smoke/soot staining damage to remaining stone walls.

Due to complexities of the original construction and current National Construction Code requirements, modern construction techniques were carefully developed and implemented to maintain the heritage features of the building while ensuring compliance with current building regulations.

Services Provided
  • Consultation with heritage architect to establish extent of heritage significance and provide specific advice to reinstatement criteria.
  • Full design and repair documentation, preparation of detailed scope of work and working drawings suitable for both tendering and reinstatement works.   This included design of an independent steel supporting framework within the confines original stone walls to support the replacement roof and ceiling structure.
  • Coordination of and obtaining relevant planning and building planning consent approval from the local approving authority.
    • Documentation Process – 4 months
    • Approval process – 1 Month
  • Assist the contractor during construction phase
Recent Work

Hay Shed Fire

The Event

Fire within hay shed.

Cause & Effect

The fire completely destroyed the building with no prospect of salvaging any aspect the original building.

The Outcome

Due to strategic importance of the damaged building for the owner and the requirement of continued operation of the site, additional structures were altered to enable continuation of operations.

A complete replacement building was designed and fully documented with construction deadline imperatives which needed to be met.

Services Provided
  • Liaison with all stakeholders, including owner, Insurer, fire and mechanical engineering consultants, CFS and the local approving authority.
  • Preparation of complete architectural and structural design services including detailed scope of work and specification for the replacement building.
  • Coordination of and obtaining approval for the structure, including extensive construction phase services including site inspection during the works.
Imparta Engineers’ goal is to provide the right advice to solve the right problem in a transparent and inclusive manner to all stakeholders. View Our Capability Statement

Capability Statement

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